Wentzel and Partners Attorneys
“We rise by lifting others.”
Robert Ingersoll
After opening its doors in the year 1992, at Corner House in the central business district of the bustling and ever expanding Kempton Park, our firm evolved into the current dynamic team of Wentzel and Partners Attorneys.
Our principal office is ideally located directly adjacent the Police Station and Magistrates Court of Kempton Park, and we have a satellite office in the Tiger Valley Office Park, Pretoria, although rendering legal services throughout the Republic as well as to a multitude of foreign nationals and companies.
We are positioned to advise and assist with any conceivable legal matter, having a variety of experts at our disposal.
The current partners in the firm are Hugo van der Westhuizen and Jan-Louis Hattingh.
Hugo van der Westhuizen joined the firm as a Professional Assistant in the year 2000 and became a partner two years there after.
Jan- Louis Hattingh joined the firm as a Professional Assistant during the year 2005.
During the latter stages of the year 2006 three of the then partners of the firm decided to go to pasture in the lovely wine lands of Robertson in the Cape Province, whereupon Louis became a partner in the firm.
Hugo and Louis are continuing the firm’s proud heritage of service excellence which is rendered on a 24-hourly basis, believing that it is valuable to remember where one comes from, but conceivably even more significant where you are going.
Hugo, studied at UNISA whilst in the employ of the Department of Justice, first as a clerk at the Department’s head office in Pretoria and later as a prosecutor. He prosecuted in both the Magistrates Court and Regional Court, Kempton Park and Tembisa from 1995 to mid 1998. In 1998 Hugo resigned from the Department to begin his articles of clerkship.Hugo was admitted as an Attorney during the year 2000. He holds the B-Iuris and LLB degrees.
Hugo is an avid adventure - motorcyclist and family man with a lovely wife and three children. He is passionate and enthusiastic about every aspect of law and the diversities of the Firm.
Hugo was the Chairperson of the Attorneys Association of Kempton Park for a number of years, having attended monthly meetings with all stakeholders in the functioning of the Kempton Park Magistrates Court and local policing and related services.
Louis studied at the now University of Johannesburg obtaining the Ba and LLB degrees respectively. After completing his articles Louis was employed as a Professional Assistant in a Kempton Park firm, where after practicing successfully as a sole practitioner prior to teaming up with Wentzel and Partners.
Louis is a fitness fanatic and similarly a family man with two young children.
Both partners are active within the community, being involved with a variety of charitable organizations and church programs.
The firm has trained a delivered a number of skilled practitioners to the legal fraternity, some becoming magistrates, others joining the Bar, and some entering the commercial world as legal advisors.
We have a complement of exceptional support-staff, every one of whom are skilled, diligent and always prepared to go the extra mile for the Firm and its clientele.
We have effective electronic systems in place, ensuring effective and secure workflow as well as accurate and real-time reporting, whilst we continuously endeavor to enhance our methods and structures to continue in improving the entire client experience.
The Firm is distinguished by having a skilled legal practitioner at hand to deal with any pressing legal emergency on a 24-hourly basis.
Whilst judiciously evaluating the merits and prospects of each unique matter, we remain focused upon the individual needs and requirements of our clients, being forthright and objective in our advice without losing sight of the underlying background of each individual or corporation.